The current standalone release is gutSMASH.1.0 (October 2020).
First of all, download the gutSMASH python source from our GitHub repo:
Then, make sure you have the following gutSMASH dependencies installed:
You can use apt-get
to install the dependencies in Linux machines:
sudo apt-get install hmmer2 hmmer diamond-aligner fasttree prodigal ncbi-blast+ muscle glimmerhmmsource as3/bin/activate
Or Homebrew
for macOS systems:
brew install hmmer2 hmmer diamond fasttree prodigal blast muscle brewsci/science/glimmerhmmsource as3/bin/activate
All the python dependencies can be installed using a simple command:
pip3 install biopython helperlibs bcbio-gff pysvg-py3 scikit-learn matplotlib pyScss Jinja2
To run gutSMASH, there are 3 databases that need to be found in gutsmash/antismash/databases
Next, the smcogs database that needs to be place in gutsmash/antismash/detection/genefunctions/gut_data
can be downloaded from here Then, use hmmpress
before using it.
Finally, the KnownClusterBlast database that needs to be place in gutsmash/antismash/modules/clusterblast/data/known
can be downloaded and uncompressed from here:
For more information on how to run gutSMASH visit the README in our GitHub