Specialized Primary Metabolite Analysis
    From Anaerobic Bacteria
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About gutSMASH

gutSMASH allows the rapid genome-wide identification, annotation and analysis of specialized primary metabolic and energy-capturing-related gene clusters across anaerobic bacteria, with a special emphasis on the human gut microbiome. It is a specialized extension of the widely used antiSMASH tool, tailored specifically to target primary metabolites.

gutSMASH is powered by several open source tools: NCBI BLAST+, Diamond, HMMer 3, Muscle 3, PySVG, JQuery SVG, JQuery DataTables, InCHlib, and vis.js.

gutSMASH is the product of a collaborative effort between the Bioinformatics Group of Wageningen University & Research, the Department of Bioengineering and ChEM-H and the Department of Pathology at Stanford University.

How to cite

If you have found gutSMASH useful, please cite our preprint on the gutSMASH algorithm and/or the article describing the gutSMASH web server.

License and Terms

Usage: gutSMASH is free to use for everybody to use, and there is no login requirement. We ask users to be reasonable in their usage, and limit themselves to 5 concurrent jobs.

Liability: For documents and software available from this server, the gutSMASH team does not warrant or assume any legal liability or responsibility for the accuracy, completeness, or usefulness of any information, apparatus, product, or process disclosed.